Thursday, November 3, 2011

On A More Serious Note... (13/11/11) - Life is Unfair

This is just a post from "angry" me...

Lately I've been witnessing some things that have left me wondering why we humans are the way we are (ie. selfish, insensitive, materialistic, power-hungry and money-driven)... These words, I admit, are a bit harsh, but that doesn't make them less true. And so, I start racking my brain to try to find a plausible reason as to why we are the way we are...

If we were to compare ourselves to, say, monkeys, we can notice some advances in our anatomies as well as brains when it comes to intellect and intelligence. Now, being raised a Roman Catholic and attending an all-girl church school, I was taught that we became this way because God (on a whim) gathered some dust and made himself a few living dolls... Now, having studied Biology at both Ordinary and Advanced level, I know that we actually got this way by evolution... I still believe that God created life and so on, I just don't take the Bible literally anymore... (I mean, come on... a talking snake?!)

I digress... I meant to state that we have managed to evolve and develop from the creatures that we can call our great (to the power of x) grandparents into (supposedly) more intelligent beings, with the ability to make decisions by thinking, not just by instinct, and to (according to the Bible) "have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28)

Can I just say one thing?

We done messed up y'all!

I mean, which other specie can take the blame for greenhouse gasses, for the annihilation of most of our rainforests, for the suffering of literally millions of people and for the mass killing of not just other species, but of our own kind?! We are the only species who kill each other out of the sheer sport of it. When a lion attacks another lion, it does so instinctively, to protect it's status in the pride - and even then they don't kill each other... When two deer fight and harm each other using their antlers, it's to prove which is the more "mate-able" (men... *sigh*) But when has an elephant intentionally forced tens or hundreds of other elephants to fight and kill each other for a resource which is technically the Earth's? When have we ever known of "homeless" or "starving" chimps? When has a whale ever hunted a dolphin for sport?

We're supposed to be more intelligent, more advanced, and we're supposed to be the ones looking out for each other, and for the world we're living in. Instead we've ended up fighting over other people's mistakes, almost forcing numerous species into extinction just to have another coat hung in our wardrobes and we've forgotten one of the very first things we learn when we're still toddlers: sharing.

Since when does all of the World's oil just belong to the people of the country who just happened to be born there? Since when is it right to live in a mansion when just around the corner a family of children search through trash cans to find their daily meal? And, the thing that urks me most, since when is a piece of green paper worth more than a human life?

We can't go on like this... I know that not everyone does these atrocious things, but the fact that we're all just fine with them happening is just as bad. I just wish I had a solution. I wish that I could just snap my fingers and that money would never have been invented; that every child born would have a loving home; that everyone of every race, colour, belief, ability, weight, status, sexual preference and gender would be seen as one and the same. Because we are one and the same. We are not defined by what label is on our clothing, but by how we treat each other and the world we're living in.

That's all from my end...

I'd just like to share with you some clips that inspired this whole post.


1 comment:

  1. Meh... Very idealistic what you spoke about... Having lived in a country where TIME is even more important than human life, i kid thee not- I must tell you that human life in a lot of people's mind is as important as a chicken's life- cute until hungry!

    Money is not even the worst thing- it's defying ambition and always wanting more that is ruining us- money just happens to be one of those things we want more of...

    But in a certain way- we're still the same- it is definitely still about the survival of the fittest/smartest/luckiest.

    Life's ironic- that's just the way it is. So good luck in this hellufajungle! :S
